這天起了個大早,天還沒亮就出門,從新竹市坐五點二十分的火車到板橋,在板橋火車站一樓大廳遇見了「無菸藝術創作展」。藝術家的想法果真「藝」於常人,有些菸害作品被包裝的很藝術,隨手拍了幾張,分享給大家! 祝大家幸福滿滿、快樂多多! ◎海水seawater |
○oo。○oo。○oo。與您分享○oo。○oo。○oo。 |
〈板橋火車站~無菸藝術創作展〉 時間:上午 天氣:晴 |
▲板橋火車站 |
【無菸藝術創作展】 展出時間:96年10月06日至96年10月28日 展出地點:板橋火車站一樓大廳 主辦單位:衛生署國民健康局 當第一根菸點燃,生命就開始倒數! Life began counting down while smoking the first cigarette. |
▲板橋火車站 |
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▲路人甲還在睡夢中,咱們就別太靠近吵到人家了! |
▲裝置藝術 |
▲裝置藝術 |
▲無菸祈願樹 |
▲無菸祈願樹 |
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▲佳作作品:演化?菸化?/Evolution or Regression |
■演化?菸化?/Evolution or Regression 人類由猿猴演化而來,聰明的人類發展文明,文明造就香菸的出現,香菸傷害人類的健康,退化聰明的人類,人類的「菸化」或許也是「演化」的一個過程。 Homo sapiens evolved from great apes. Human beings created culture. Tobacco, a product of human civilization, hurts human beings' health. Thus, the so-called intelligent human have "devolved". The effect of cigarettes might be part of the devolutionary process of human beings. |
▲佳作作品:演化?菸化?/Evolution or Regression |
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▲菸寶寶 |
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▲佳作作品:Chronic |
■Chronic 如同作品名稱「Chronic」慢性之義,玻璃罩裡的物件都有其特殊意涵:吸菸的過程,就像生命中裝了定時炸彈,吸越多,距離死亡的倒數越近;受於害的花草枯萎、凋零、了無生意,連動物都變的畸形;滿佈窒息的童軍繩索,呼應吸菸如同「慢性自殺」。 Every object in the glass jar has its own unique meaning which reflects the title of the work: "Chronic" Smoking, like a ticking bomb, is a chronic process of dying. The more one smokes, the closer becomes death. Being exposed in a polluted environment, the plants are withered and the animals are mutant. The ropes-signifying suffocation-highlight that smoking is "chronic suicide". |
▲佳作作品:Chronic |
▲銀獎作品:從心封鎖/Locked heart |
■從心封鎖/Locked heart 「三扇門、兩個象徵與一種結果」,加上剛硬鎖鏈的門,象徵硬性的法令規範,徒法不足以自行,吸菸者常無視於法令;加上封條的門,代表無形的觀念束縛,縱使知道吸菸有害,人的理智常無法戰勝慾望。從鏡子中照見藍天的門,當你站在鏡前就能發現,「自己才是遠離菸害的主人」。 In this piece, there are "three doors, two symbols and only one result". The door with iron chains symbolizes the rigidness of legal systems. Even though laws may be severe, many smokers often ignore the law. The sealed door symbolizes the rationality. Even being aware of the harm of smoking, many smokers still are not able to triumph over their desire to smoke. You can see the blue sky in the mirror hung on the last door. The metaphor of the last door is that only you can make the decision to be tobacco-free. |
▲銀獎作品:從心封鎖/Locked heart |
▲金獎作品:隔牆/Behind the Wall |
■隔牆/Behind the Wall 進食是人生最重要也最頻繁的事情之一,所以使用了兩個環境裡進食的對比來表現兩個世界。 每個人都有選擇的權利與機會。但在選擇吸菸與不吸菸之間的機會絕不會一縱即逝,那兒永遠有一扇窗口開著,選擇坐在哪一張桌子前,選擇在哪一個環境,森森雜草或溫馨家庭都是自己的選擇。 Dining is one of the most important and common activities in our daily life. For this reason, we choose to contrast dining experiences in smoke-free and smoke-filled environments. Everyone should have the right and opportunity "to smoke" and "not to smoke". There is always an open window. It is up to you to choose which chair you want to sit on and which environment you want to live in. It is your choice-a graveyard covered with grass, or a clean, smoke-free home. |
▲金獎作品:隔牆/Behind the Wall |
▲金獎作品:隔牆/Behind the Wall |
▲金獎作品:隔牆/Behind the Wall |
▲金獎作品:隔牆/Behind the Wall |
在此也希望大家互相分享各地的玩耍樂趣! 祝福大家 身體健康 萬事如意
○oo。【創作草堂】○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。。【分享報導】 。 。玩耍,是一件迷人的事! 。從籌劃到成行,玩耍中的人、事、物,經由我的眼睛,成為永遠難忘的回憶, 。這一份感動與您分享。請您跟著海水格格的玩耍遊記,一起去玩耍吧! 。若發現網頁中的圖片連結無法顯示,請來信告知海水格格seawater@pie.com.tw 。。內容整理:海水 圖片拍攝:海水 。。。創作草堂:走入大自然,感受山的包容及水的柔情!http://sea.xxking.com ○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。海水…捉住幸福ㄉ尾巴○oo。○oo。○oo。 ○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。○oo。